
Monday, 24 May 2010

Time management

Today I woke up feeling happy.

Sunshine, birdsong and a positive attitude.

Had breakfast, bathed and went through to my exam venue and studied that extra hour before going into the venue to write.

Then I looked at the board and saw my module wasn't listed. In less then a second my good mood vanished and I groped around in my bag for my timetable.

Yep, listed there in black and white, my exam was for the 25th of May, not the 24th.

So doing a break-neck sprint, I went to the car, drove home to grab my bag, and then sped off to work. Which I arrived at, 11:45. Only three hours late.

I then had to apologise for being a blonde to my boss, and get to work. She was pretty cool about it, and everyone else in my office tried to cheer me up.

On the plus side, no-one other then D was upset with me (boy, did he have a nice go at my timing and managing things). At least I got an extra 3 hours revision in this morning. So tomorrow, at the actual exam, I am going to write and ace Mandarin for beginners!

Which brings me to my second point...maybe I should work on creating a better schedule for myself. Like actually writing things into the calander on my wall so mistakes like this dont happen.

Oh well, part of life is making - and learning from - mistakes.

At least I didn't arrive a day late for my exam.

Until next time,