

Things I'm interested in and may publish  blog posts about, at a later date depending how things go:  
(This is an ever changing and fluctating  list which is most likely going to grow at an exponential rate and never give me a chance to catch up to it)

1.  Natural Remedies
2.  Self Improvement
3.  Television investigations
4.  Thrillers
5.  Psychology
6.  Charisma and Charm
7.  Fashion
8.  Mysticism
9.  What I do vs Who I am
10. The Beauty of Chaos
11. Love and it's counterparts
12. Life through images, words, artistic expression
13. Dreams vs Reality
14. Life with Warp Speed
15. How to...(Fill in the blanks)
16. Temptation
17. Music affects mood
18. The Blank Canvas
19. Mental Activity and your Subconscious Mind
20. Emotions